DULUTH, MN (KDAL) – A year ago some Duluth citizens and Mayor Roger Reinert questioned large land purchases on Park Point by Kathy Cargill.
In a published article, Cargill said the Mayor “peed in his Cheerios” by requesting more information about what she planned to do with the land.
In a show of community pride, Chad McKenna organized a “Cheerio Challenge” to collect boxes of Cheerios and other cereal for CHUM, the Union Gospel Mission, the Damiano Center and Salvation Army.
The drive brought in over 800 boxes of cereal and raised over 50 thousand dollars for the Duluth food shelves.
As part of the Minnesota Food Share month, McKenna is bringing back the challenge again this year.
Starting next week (March 24-28), donations of Cheerios, other cereal or non perishable food can be dropped off at the Duluth Labor Temple from 8 a-m to 5 p-m.
On Tuesday, those donating a food item and donating at least 25 dollars will get a Cheerio Challenge t-shirt.
Go to Duluth Cheerio Challenge on Facebook for more information.