Medallion Hunt Clue Explanations
Clue #1
“A brand new excursion
A fresh hunt’s begun
We’ll dish out the rhymes
It’s clean winter fun
Oh where should you roam
Which lands should you comb
Try keeping it simple
Beginning at home”
This was a very difficult clue to decipher, but Monica’s sister from Dallas, Texas correctly researched that the first syllable in the surname HAMMOND – HAMM – means “Home” in Old Norse languages. In fact, HAMM was carved on the perimeter of the medallion.
(From Google AI Overview: “Hammond” is an English surname primarily derived from the Norman name “Hamo” or “Hamon,” which is a shortened form of names beginning with “haim” meaning “home,” essentially translating to “home protector” or signifying a place of residence”.)
Clue #2

“So you don’t search in vain
This clue will explain
The medallion’s current domain
13 paces northwest
Of a place you can rest
From the rigor and toil and strain”
The medallion was hidden 13 Cluemeister paces from a picnic table at Hammond Park
Clue #3

“This clues a keeper
Though it goes a bit deeper
With profound observations in sight
Esoterically speaking
The locale that you’re seeking’s
Near waves of celestial light”
This clue is a reference to a City of Superior concrete trash receptacle that was nearby where the medallion was hidden. Like many of the permanent trash bins at City of Superior parks, it featured a carved diagram of a lighthouse in front of the moon (celestial) and a forefront of waves.
Clue #4

“In looking for this
And deciphering that
It might feel that your quest’s falling flat
But you’re making strides
To where it resides
The proverbial flower in your hat”
At Hammond Park, there is a play area featuring winding monkey-bars that had an old sea serpent head with a straw hat at its end. The hat was adorned with a flower.
Clue #5

“Our whole area abounds
With valleys and mounds
A magnificent outdoor terrain
But if we’re being candid
The medallion was planted
On ground that is frankly just plain”
This clue referred to all the great geography the entire Twin Ports area features. However, the square block area of Hammond Park is virtually all flat ground.
Clue #6

“Treasure hunters rejoice
We’ve narrowed the choice
Of potential areas to survey
Exact it is not
“x” almost marks the spot
As much as we know that’s cliche”
The square-shaped Hammond Park has intersecting paved paths beginning at each corner creating a huge “X” that is more evident from the sky. The medallion was placed just southeast from the middle of the “X”.
Clue #7

“TOften this race is
Determined with paces
Measured in cluemeister’s strides
Count five on your way
From a finished pathway
And it’s there that you will score the prize”
The medallion was placed five paces from one of the paved paths on the east side of Hammond Park