DULUTH, MN (CBS-3) – The City of Duluth is asking people to stay away from a portion of Park Point beach as the U-S Army Corps of Engineers works to clean up hazardous materials that were found in the dredged material placed on the beach.
The material was placed in that section of beach to address erosion issues.
After people discovered pieces of shredded aluminum on the beach last year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers now has a plan to clean it up.
Using ground-penetrating radar this spring, it was revealed that nails and aluminum fragments were on the beach between 7th and 10th street and barrels have been placed to identify the area where the clean-up will occur.
The Army Corps will be using a beach rake attached to a tractor to remove the hazardous material and record what is found to determine how often another clean-up might be needed.
Director of Parks, Properties, and Libraries for the City of Duluth Jim Filby-Williams said the clean-up is expected to start in a couple of weeks and should be finished by August.