DULUTH, MN (KDAL) – The Northeast Regional Corrections Center (NERCC) in Saginaw has opened a new meat processing facility with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday.
The new facility is double the size of the old one and features much needed space and state of the art equipment.
The program processes thousands of chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep and cows each year.
The meat is used to feed residents at NERCC and is also for sale to the community.
NERCC has operated the meat processing program for many decades but the old building had many structural deficiencies and was no longer up to state codes.
The processing plant is part of a 3200 acre working farm that also produces flowers, vegetables, hay and barley.
Representative Mary Murphy, who advocated for the state funding for the new building, says the work farm is an opportunity for a new beginning for the residents.
Besides the farm, NERCC also offers programs that teach carpentry, mechanics and maintenance skills to those incarcerated there.